Dr Wendy Morris


Dr Wendy Morris | Anaesthetist

Areas of Specialisation
Dr Morris has particular interests in Neuroanaesthesia, Spinal Surgery, Interventional Radiology, and Orthopaedics. 

Professional Experience
Dr Morris qualified in medicine in 2004 at the University of Dundee in Scotland. She then moved to Australia to train in anaesthesia, first at Rockhampton Hospital, and then in various hospitals in Brisbane. She undertook her fellowship year at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in 2013. Wendy followed this up with a locum year in Scotland. 

Since 2015, Wendy has worked as staff specialist in anaesthesia at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. She is also now engaged in private practice at The Wesley Hospital.

Wendy has an ongoing commitment to teaching, and she has lectured at the University of Queensland since 2011. Alongside this, she is currently finishing a Masters degree in Patient Safety.

Wendy is passionate about doctors’ wellbeing and welfare and brings this to bear in her work and educational pursuits.

Other Interests
Outside of work, Wendy has a passion for travel and photography. Her photography highlights include photographing storms in the USA and capturing images from a helicopter in Iceland and the Kimberleys. 
